
The current website has been designed and made with the purpose to adequate it to the criteria of accessibility fixed by the legislation in force and with the aim to ease the access to its contents to the largest possible number of people, especially to those who has some type of disability.

To guarantee this goal, there have been some marked patterns in the WCAG 1.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, version 1.0) established by the working group WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), of AA level.

They have been followed the recommendations and standards established by the W3C, especially those that refer to the use of XHTML 1.0 language and style sheets (CSS 2), which guarantees the compatibility among the different versions of the browser by dividing the structure of its pages of its content.

Among the different characteristics of accessibility it is remarkable that a person can change the letter size, deactivate the visual styles or to surf with a screen reader.


Multimedia contents

In some cases, in order to complete the information of the portal there have been embedded contents of other portals (YouTube, Google Maps, etc) which accessibility does not rely on the owner of the website, but on the portal that generates that content.

In some other cases, some pages have available contents in different formats of presentation. In order to access to that content, we have used standard tools and free connectors.